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Sasa 09-24-2012 05:59 AM

Re: Daily Bread
Take Control Of Your Thought Process

One way I take control of my thoughts is by using my feelings as a guide. If I am angry or depressed, I ask myself what is it that I was thinking that caused me to feel this way? It is usually something in my past that I can't seem to move away from but once I identify the thought, I have the power to change it.

You can immediately feel better by saying, "I love you" over and over. Or begin to count the things in your life that you are thankful for. We are all thankful for something.

At times I use a negative situation to remind me to flip it to its positive opposite. If I have a debt that I can't pay, I say thank you for the money. Every time the phone rings, I say it. If I am going through bills I can't pay, Write thank you for the money on the back of them and put them away. The money will come. Opportunities will emerge has to it is a natural law unless I am sabotaging my own efforts with doubt.

Its all about focus and intention...and believing. If we don't believe in it we can't see it. We have to believe in it, before it manifests. (whatever it may be, goals, money, shoes, food, success...whatever!)

Is it biblical? Absolutely! These concepts go back as far as you can trace!

This is an interesting paragraph I ran across this morning:

"Aligning yourself perfectly with your intentions is the key to manifestation. By being aware of your thoughts, you can indeed master this alignment process. It's a matter of paying attention to where your thoughts flow, and the feelings those thoughts create within you. When you're feeling upset or uneasy, trace back to the thoughts that are creating this unease. Once you're able to pinpoint those thoughts, make a conscious effort to change or turn them around."

I have learned to focus on things that really bring me joy. I do as many of these things as I can. It becomes super easy to conjure up a great memory and to be thankful for those times. Many times all I have to do is look at picture of our good times and it brings the joy back instantly.

Every one finds joy in different things, I have personally found more joy doing as much good for others as possible. To wake up every morning praying for the opportunity to make a positive difference in someone's life. The energy from those experiences multiplied feels absolutely amazing. ;-)

Have a Great Day! :)

Sasa 09-24-2012 06:17 AM

Re: Daily Bread


Dynamic Thought, by Henry Thomas Hamblin [1921

Sasa 09-24-2012 06:28 AM

Re: Daily Bread
"I want you to trust me to the extent of doing something, the underlying principle of which cannot be explained in this first lesson. I want you to make what is known as an "affirmation," I want you to affirm the following: "THE OLD LIFE IS DEAD AND BURIED. I HAVE SEVERED MYSELF FROM IT ONCE AND FOR ALL. HENCEFORTH I LIVE THE NEW LIFE... "

Dynamic Thought by Henry Thomas Hamblin

Sasa 09-25-2012 07:05 AM

Re: Daily Bread
Sucralose (I like that word)

Yesterday, I was fitted for a TB mask for the first time. There is a special way you have to put these masks on so that no air can seep in from the edges. It has to form perfectly around the face.

She showed me how to put it on and then she told me to breath in deep and blow out very hard to see if I felt any air escape around the edges. I thought it was fine. She then proceeds to put this large white hood over my head and sprayed sucralose aerosol into the hood with me in it. She asked me if I could taste sweetness. I told her, "yes, I can taste it". She said in that case my mask wasn't tight enough and I had to redo the entire process until we got a tight fit. OOPS!...In the end after another try, we finally had success with the TB mask. :)

They told me yesterday I will be taking care of TB patients as well.

"TB-causing bacteria is passed from person to person through the air when someone with the disease coughs or sneezes. People who are nearby may get infected after breathing in bacteria. The bacteria can attack any part of the body, but they usually stick to the lungs."

Warning Graphic pic of Lung w/ TB bacteria, Don't look if you have a weak stomach.

Am I worried? Absolutely not... ;-)

God has my back...and my front! :)

Good Day Today!

Sasa 09-25-2012 07:09 AM

Re: Daily Bread

"People living deeply have no fear of death."
Anais Nin

"When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain." Frank Herbert

Sasa 09-26-2012 07:18 AM

Re: Daily Bread
Reaching Euphoria

Gosh It is chilly this morning...I had to wrap up. I am just not a cold weather person at all. I am moving to a warm island just as soon as I can.

I am practicing for my first half marathon at home every day. I have learned that what I eat right before a run greatly influences how long I stay in the game.

My daughter runs with me but she is not able to run as long as I do yet. She wanted to know, How in the world do you run nonstop without getting overly tired.

The key is to start slow. Run a lap, walk a lap...then run two laps, walk one 3 laps, walk one 4 laps, walk a lap, then run 4 more and walk 1. eventually you can connect them all with running. I had to listen to my body and feel it. One day after the 4th lap Instead of walking my body said have plenty of energy left to do this. I heard forest gump in my mind when he broke out of his braces....Ha! I love that movie, precious! Now I am running 3 miles a day without walking in between. It feels amazing.

couldn't help it...LOL!
Many ask how in the world do you do that? It's just a matter of getting your body used to it over a gradual period of time. It is a great habit to create for yourself.

It takes 66 days to form a new habit!

This is the perfect plan...

"But the longer and farther I ran, the more I realized that what I was often chasing was a state of mind - a place where worries that seemed monumental melted away, where the beauty and timelessness of the universe, of the present moment, came into sharp focus.”
― Scott Jurek, Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness


Sasa 09-27-2012 04:26 AM

Re: Daily Bread
Finding Your Sweet Spot

In addition to yesterday's post, when I started running I had to find the right speed. If you run with the throttle wide open, you will tire out very quickly.

You have to find the balance where you are breathing normally and your body just glides along the path. Its not too fast, and its not too slow. I always have that extra burst of energy for the last lap to get faster right before the finish line.

There was a moment in the process when I became fully in the moment, one foot in front of the other, one step at a time. This moment is all I have and I choose to live it like this.

And my earbuds Rock the entire time!

Also I started getting these blisters or burned areas of skin right under my arm on the right side. On the left is where I keep my Mp3 player with an armband. Those rubbing burns on the right were killing me, hurt when I would finish running. So I took an old fluffy sock and cut the top out of it and made an arm band that would fit around my upper arm. Now more arm burns. :)


New topic coming up in a few seconds!

Sasa 09-27-2012 04:59 AM

Re: Daily Bread
It's 2am, Do you know why I can't sleep?

Here lately I have been waking up at anywhere between 2:30 and 3:00 am and I toss and turn til the alarm clock buzzes at 4:30am. So instead of tossing and turning I decided today I would get up and do something productive.

In a few weeks I will be a night owl anyway (hoot, hoot)...I love working nights. I usually get in the bed around 9am and sleep til 2pm then I do it all over again! ;P
It also gives me more time to be a mom the rest of the week which is what I care about the most. That is the only thing I don't like about leaving my mommy post. However hard and unusual my situation has been over the past 13 years...I am thankful that I got to be a stay at home mom, most of the time, or had a job where I could take her with me.

My youngest one is in Eriksons stage of Identity vs Confusion. So me leaving her side will be beneficial to her finding her own identity. However scary that is for me as mom, I have to let her explore who she is and wants to become without being to overbearing. I think gentle guidance and support with a mixture of living by example will help her develop in a healthy way.

I also work another part time little gig that is more fun than it is work and I make however much I want to make depending on how much time and effort I put into it. We had a Red Carpet night honoring top sellers on Monday and I took my daughter and her friend with me. The attire was little black dress and we all looked really good. About 100 people attended and my director asked my daughter to stand up and introduce herself to everyone. She has a little story about my daughter she likes to tell people. I was so proud of her, she looked amazing and spoke beautifully in front of all those people. It was a good night! ;-) God has great things in store.

Today I am off to have TB skin test read at the hospital for job clearance. It is going to be my new home for a while until I move to my warm island and become care giver to sick islander natives :-).

Am I just rambling today? Maybe :-0...but I believe there is a reason for everything! :D

Have a Beautiful Day!

Sasa 09-28-2012 07:05 AM

Re: Daily Bread
Leaving the Negativity Behind

In order to move forward into the shift, one can't hide and can't runaway from what was. One has to have the courage to be the shift right in the place that they are in the moment. I have to own it!

It doesn't matter who is surrounding me or what my life once was. When I take hold of who I have become and embrace that. Parts that once were connected to me, as in friends, (so-called) will fall away or will go the other way...Ha! They will unfriend me. What will be left are those who truly love me regardless...and those are the one's I want to call friends.

You cannot align with someone who is not an energetic match. You maybe connected in some way for life, but spending time together on a regular basis just will not happen. Some thing or event will always prevent it. The phone will ring, someone will interrupt every time you try to carry on a conversation. Some odd circumstance will come up that prevents the meeting from happening.

Once embracing the new happens, magically, seemingly, new people begin to emerge into your life. New friends with different faces but with a familiar spirit, a spirit that you recognize as being in alignment with your own. That is just one of the beautiful rewards that come with knowing and embracing who you have become.

Oprah once said, "It's not hard to find someone to ride in the limo with you, but I want to find someone who will ride the bus with me when the limo breaks down."

She also said,"Don't you hate it when makeup artist's put so much lip gloss on you that when you go on stage you look like you've just finished eating a piece of fried chicken?" HAHAha! Sorry...had to share

My point this morning is ...learning to be still, embrace who I am, Love who I am even in the face of possible rejection. There will be rejection because of the change...but it will not last because the reward of the new acceptance will overshadow what was. Pure joy comes when we love who we are and I thank God for living inside me and showing me this truth. :)

Have a Blessed Day!

Sasa 09-29-2012 06:15 AM

Re: Daily Bread
Believe before Seeing!

Fake it til you make it!

One of the tricks of manifesting is convincing yourself and others that something is happening before it actually does, then guess what? It happens.

It is the same as counting your blessings, it's just counting them before you actually have them physically.

I've read these concepts in just about every area of life addressing business and personal issues.

One of the big things in business is that no one will take you seriously until you take yourself seriously. People tend to believe about you, what you believe about yourself when no one is looking. It is an energetic reflection to teach us about direction, our navigator.

Another important thing I learned about running a successful business is to give it away..."the widgets" Ha! Give them away first... because it is a natural law that what you give is multiplied and returned.

Richard Branson who is one my inspirations in business started his publishing company by giving away thousands of copies of his first magazine. He made it successful by selling ads in that same magazine. When you give it away something magical happens,its planting the seeds for the harvest. A farmer always goes in debt during planting season but he knows with the right nurturing the harvest will yield what he put in plus more. Did God do it? He told us it would happen that way if we follow the right steps in production.

When we take from others to get ahead, it always comes back to bite us in some form. A big drought comes along and kills our crops. Did God do it? He told us it would happen if we didn't take the proper steps.

Why do I like Richard Branson? His story is amazing, he has overcome incredible obstacles and he still cares about people and animals and giving back!

“My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them." Richard Branson

"I find it very difficult to think of mistakes; not that I don't make any but because I was brought up to look only at the good things in life."
Richard Branson

What was the first business idea you came up with?

I set up this magazine called Student when I was 16, and I didn't do it to make money - I did it because I wanted to edit a magazine. There wasn't a national magazine run by students, for students. I didn't like the way I was being taught at school. I didn't like what was going on in the world, and I wanted to put it right.

Of course, a lot of businesses want to reach students, so I funded the magazine by selling advertising. I sold something like $8,000 worth of advertising for the first edition, and that was in 1966. I printed up 50,000 copies, and I didn't even have to charge for them on the newsstand because my costs were already covered.

So I became a publisher by mistake - well, not quite by mistake, because I wanted to be an editor but I had to make sure the magazine would survive. The point is this: Most businesses fail, so if you're going to succeed, it has to be about more than making money.

Richard Branson

I'm on the verge of something huge... I always experiment with myself before talking about it. I have learned that if you can run one business you can run any of them. My first business was understanding myself. If we can do that ...we can do anything. Ha! :)

Great Saturday, I get to go to a wedding...I have this massive 3 layer strawberry shortcake I made for the reception. :) It is nice...going to be a treat for the guests!

Sasa 09-30-2012 09:35 AM

Re: Daily Bread
Confidence vs Arrogance

What is confidence? To me it's faith in God to get you from point A to point B. It is becoming a hollow vessel for the Creator's spirit to fill and use on a whim without shame of the mission laid before you. It's holding your head up in the darkest hour and knowing all is well even before the light emerges. Confidence is Unity and Belief in the Oneness of life and it is the acceptance of the energetic reflection life shows us.

Arrogance is the denial of one's own reflection. It is a manifestation of the separation of all that is. It is the belief in the illusion of separateness and refusal to look at the self in the energetic mirror of life.

Another inspiration of mine is Mary Kay Ash, Why because God led me to her book called "Miracles Happen" in a thrift store one day. I read it and fell in love with her. She was one determined, driven woman.

She said this about people: “Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, "Make me feel important." Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life.”

― Mary Kay Ash

I try to live by that because everybody is important no matter what their appearance. There is a blessing hidden within the heart of every individual. When we take a moment to make that blessing come forth, the massive amount of energy provoked in that one encounter, follows you and that person forever. It is an amazing feeling to be unified with all you meet.

I had so much fun last night, I drank water or Diet Coke the entire time...a few guests had one too many. HaHa! I love it... An old friend of mine from years back always pinches you when he has had too much. He pinched on me all night and I love him and all his pinching very much. They demolished my cake. It's Good Thing! ;)

A few more of my favorite quotes from Mary Kay Ash:

“Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway.”
― Mary Kay Ash

“The greatest polution problem we face today is negativity. ”
― Mary Kay Ash

“My goal in life is to live my life in such a way that when I die, someone can say, she cared”
― Mary Kay Ash

She has some amazing books! Great Reads.

Gods Beautiful Blessings this Sunday! :)

Sasa 10-01-2012 04:34 AM

Re: Daily Bread
Embracing the Change

It is official I start orientation today. Ready to meet the new family.

I got this note this morning:

“There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.”

― José N. Harris, MI VIDA

God's Blessings Today in a "VERY SPECIAL WAY"! :)

Sasa 10-02-2012 05:07 AM

Re: Daily Bread
Creative Visualization

I keep running into the book by Shakti Gawain called Creative Visualization, so It must mean I need to read it.

This morning I go searching for excerpts from the book and this is what I find:

One law of energy is this: Energy of a certain quality or vibration tends to attract energy of a similar quality and vibration.

"Thoughts and feelings have their own magnetic energy that attracts energy of a similar nature. We can see this principle at work, for instance, when we "accidentally" run into someone we’ve just been thinking of, or "happen" to pick up a book that contains exactly the perfect information we need at that moment."

Hahaha! I love it when that happens...

Do you think I am going to read the book? Absolutely... ;)

Another excerpt:

"When we create something, we always create it first in thought form. A thought or idea always precedes manifestation. "I think I’ll make dinner" is the idea that precedes creation of a meal. "I want a new dress," precedes going and buying one; "I need a job" precedes finding one, and so on.

An artist first has an idea or inspiration, then creates a painting. A builder first has a design, then builds a house.

The idea is like a blueprint; it creates an image of the form, which then magnetizes and guides the physical energy to flow into that form, and eventually manifests it on the physical plane.

"The same principle holds true even if we do not take direct physical action to manifest our ideas. Simply having an idea or thought, holding it in your mind, is an energy that will tend to attract and create that form on the material plane. If you constantly think of illness, you may eventually become ill; if you believe yourself to be beautiful, you become so. Unconscious ideas and feelings held inside of us operate in the same way."

Have a Great Day! I have to get this book today! :)

I love my life! :)

Sasa 10-02-2012 05:18 AM

Re: Daily Bread

"In the same way that you can love a good friend while clearly seeing his or her faults and short comings, you can love yourself for all that you truly are."

Shakti Gawain

Sasa 10-03-2012 05:17 AM

Re: Daily Bread
Making a Positive Difference

People are truly incredible, kind and loving. That is what I choose to see.
In seeing and in believing in that perception magnifies...incredible, kind and loving people into my reality....everyday.

Living those same words and the definitions of those words in my own being, magically pulls the same type of energetic beings into my life. ...everyday.

Pure thought, pure actions = pure reality.

My definition of purity= the absence of anything that pollutes. (example: hate)

“Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives.” – Robert Collier

Be kind to yourself and the bullies will disappear.

"Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors where there were walls.” – Joseph Campbell

Beautiful Day!

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