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hotforscott 08-22-2005 08:52 PM

By the way, I registered him today, so he is officially Ajax. :)

Dogstar 08-23-2005 01:44 PM

That's good that the place that sold you Ajax will offset the some of the costs. I sure hope he gets better soon. He's quite the little fighter!

hotforscott 08-23-2005 07:01 PM

Just got off the phone with the vet, and they said today he ate A LOT on his own and was acting like a normal puppy. YEAH!!!!!!!!

They weren't able to run the liver test, because he ate, so they are going to prepare him for it tomorrow, and hopefully that will come back negative (fingers crossed), and she said that if he continues to eat like he is and he can maintain a 120 blood sugar level without the IV that he can come home. I AM SO HAPPY. I am hoping in the next couple of days, or at least before the weekend.

I am going to pray that tomorrow's test goes well.

Thanks for all of your kind words. :)

hotforscott 08-24-2005 06:46 PM

GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!

I went by and saw little Ajax today, the kids and I did once they were out of school, and he was off the IV, and they put us in a room with him, and he was so happy. He was just like a normal puppy. He hopped around, was chasing Tyler's shoelaces, licking everybody, even my toes, because they were pink, and I was wearing fancy flip flops, LOL. It was so awesome to see him happy, eating, maintaining the blood sugar level he needed (without an IV), and I asked if they ran the liver test today, and they said yes, that the results were sent off to the state lab, and would be back tomorrow, but they are almost positive he doesn't have it, because he is doing so well, and they are looking to send him home tomorrow. :) :) :) :) :) :)



hotforscott 08-25-2005 04:33 PM

Well, there's now good news and bad news.

Good news is, he came back normal on the test, so there's no liver problems.

The bad news is, when they came in this morning, he had crashed again. They said that last night was the first night that he didn't have a heating pad in his bed, so they think that he got really cold and started to tremble which caused him to not eat, and his blood sugar drop.

It only took them 5 minutes to get him back to normal and he is now fine, but just to be on the safe side, they want to keep him another night and make sure the same thing doesn't happen.

I read in a Papillon book that they are prone to Hypoglycemia (sp?) up to 4 months of age and if they get it, to give them nutracal, wrap them in a warm towel and then they will be fine, so it may be something he has for the next few months. I will just have to watch his eating habits, and see that he doesn't get overly active and he doesn't play to hard. I think it must be hard for puppies to know how much food to eat to keep up with their metabolic rate.

That's the only sense I can make of it. Well hopefully he will be here with us tomorrow.


hotforscott 08-26-2005 05:57 PM

Well, I called the vet this afternoon and he crashed again this morning. His veins are to worn out to insert another catheter for IV injections of Dextrose, but they have been feeding him with the medicine syringe every hour. They suggested either having him go to the 24 hour emergency clinic to continue treatment, or I could bring him home and watch him very closely, which is what I have decided to do. They close at 7pm and I am going there at 6:30 to learn how to feed him, and I will have to do this every hour, day and night to keep his blood sugar up. They have run every possible test associated with this and they have all come back normal, so this is something he will grow out of. I even went and did some internet research and found a list of tests to run when this happens, and it is exactly what the vet did. I also found that it is common in small toy breeds to have Hypoglecemia. It said that Papillons are apt to get it up to 4 months of age. It is Daniel's weekend to take this kids, so I will have all weekend to take a run at this, and give Ajax my undivided attention, which I feel is good, because I need to "know" what I am doing when I am juggling the kids and Ajax. I am not working now, so it should work out in the sense that I don't have to get up and go to a day to day job. I am keeping my fingers crossed that he pulls out of this. I hope all of you will, too. He needs prayers. I may not have as much time to post now, but I will keep you updated. I get him in an hour and a half. :)

JulieCitySlicker 08-26-2005 06:51 PM

I hope your little doggy gets better soon Carrie :)

hotforscott 08-26-2005 07:07 PM

Me, too. The place I bought him from has been avoiding me since the one initial phone call, where they acted concerned. I may have to take her to small claims court for the vet bills. That's all I want. I agreed to pay for the puppy, and the things he needed, but I bought him last Thursday, he was hospitalized on Friday morning, and has been ever since. I do not think that is right. I can only imagine what my bill will be when I pick him up in 30 minutes. Craig told me that the 24 hour clinic is about 400.00 per night, but I think he will receive better care here with me, then sending him there. I will return in an emergency situation, for sure, but I want to see how I can handle him here. If that place was 400.00 a night, and my puppy has been at the other clinic a week, I can't even begin to think of what the bill is about to be, but he's our puppy, and I will see him through this.

Thanks again, Julie for your thoughts.

JulieCitySlicker 08-26-2005 09:03 PM

Your welcome Carrie :) Ya,I'd take the bitch to small claims court to,that is BS :mad1:

hotforscott 08-26-2005 09:56 PM

Ok, puppies here with me now. I got home about 7:20 with him. The feeding thing was a little tricky at first. His first feeding was at 7:30, and I think I was wearing more then he ate. So, I fed him twice in that hour and got him to take the required amount, then got him back on schedule at 8:30 and he ate all of it, plus some, and kept it all in his mouth, which was great, so I think I have it down. He has had IV's in all 4 legs and his neck (sooooo sad :( ) and at first I was a little hesitant on holding his neck and head to get him to eat, but he wasn't welping in pain, and I knew I had to so I think I figured out a comfortable way to get him to take his meals. Not much time to chat, but I wanted to give you an update. The vet bill ended up being $535 and some change, and they let me pay just 100.00 today, but it is still uncalled for, and I think she should pay it. At least it wasn't thousands, like I was thinking.

Thanks again and I will keep you posted. I bring him in to the clinic tomorrow to check his blood sugar.

hotforscott 08-27-2005 05:00 AM

It's 4am. These every hour on the hour feedings are gettin' to me now. Man, I am SOOOO tired, but by the time I get to sleep, I have to feed him again. I must say, he is a real trooper. He eats quite well. I can tell in these wee hours that he isn't taking in as much, so when I take him to the vet tomorrow I am going to see if, say from midnight to 6 am, try to feed every 2 hours, or even 3 hours. Maybe start off with 2 hours, then see if he's okay before trying to go 3 hours. Otherwise, I am not sure how many nights of this in a row I can handle. I am hoping the little guy will eat on his own.

Just keeping you updated. :)

hotforscott 08-27-2005 11:00 AM

Bad news. Ajax is back in the hospital. He did REALLY good all the way up until his 5:30 am feeding. At 4:30 he was great, so after I fed him, I went back to sleep, and set my alarm for 5:30. When I got up to feed him at then, he was lifeless. He was breathing, but his head fell limp, and he couldn't even stand up. I put some Nutracal in him to give him a quick sugar rush, and wrapped him in a warm towel, then I put him in his carrier, and took him to the emergency clinic. They gave him some food and a shot of dextrose, and sent him back home with me. I got here about 6:45 and I was supposed to take him to the vet anyway at 7:30, to check his blood sugar, so I went there, and explained to them what happened. They have him now. They close at noon today, and are closed tomorrow, but they are thinking of one of the tech's taking him home for the weekend, and caring for him, instead of hooking him up to the constant IV, his little veins are just worn out, and need a break. I am supposed to call back at 11:30, and see if that's possible. If not, they will put him back on the IV at their clinic, and check on him throughout the weekend. I am really sad, because the poor little guy has been through so much. I will let you know what I find out.

hotforscott 08-28-2005 02:30 PM

Ok, I have a puppy update.

The vet called and they never could get the catheter in his bone for nutrients, they tried an hour and a half, so they took him home for the weekend, and got him to eat on his own, put honey in his water, and he is doing REALLY good. No spells throughout the night, or anything. They said I could pick him up in the morning, so I am going to do that after I drop the kids off at school. I was picking the kids up from Daniel when the vet left the message, so I didn't get to talk to them, but that was the message they left. I am excited that he is eating on his own, and that he is doing well. I just hope that he does okay when he comes here. I hope all of this mess hasn't caused him so much stress that he is having a hard time adjusting. The way I see it, he is probably depressed from being taken from his mother and probably never got the chance to see how puppies are supposed to eat, because the breeder's didn't care enough about him to make sure that he was okay, they just saw the money end of it.

He is my little miracle puppy, and I will be glad to see that he only gets better.

I will let you guys know tomorrow exactly what happens once he is home.


hotforscott 08-29-2005 06:22 PM

Ok, I have had Ajax home since 8 this morning, and he seems to be doing REALLY good. What's sad is that, when I got to the vet to pick him up, he had stitches, due to them "trying" to get that catheter into his bone, without success, and he had one of those collar things on, so he wouldn't eat at his stitches. He is on pain meds and antibiotics, and I got some spray that you can spray on wounds that tastes disgusting, so I could remove the collar and he would take on lick, and not touch those stitches again. He will definitly eat if I put the food right in front of him, and I have caught him eating when he thinks no one is looking, so he is on the right track. Since the kids came home from school he has been resting a lot, I think their hyper-activity wears him out. I told them not to pick him up so they wouldn't hurt his stitches, and I have checked on him periodically, to make sure he isn't having another episode. I have to take him back in a week to check the stitches, or if he has anymore spells, but he seems to be doing really good. Just wanted to let you know.

Trimontana 08-29-2005 06:46 PM

sounds much better hun. we hope Ajax get better and better with time and the love from you and your kids. :D

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