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jango 09-27-2002 09:43 PM

Movie Talk: Romance (Chick Flicks)
Part 3 of 6

Okay, I'm not a big fan of this particularly category, so the more "mushy" inclined members will probably have better lists, but beings how it's customary and all, I will post mine:

10. When Harry Met Sally...
Great dialogue, comedy. Billy Crystal's wit is enough alone.

9. The African Queen
Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn... great chemistry.

8. My Fair Lady
A witty movie, good acting by both Hepburn and Harrison.

7. Sound of Music
It doesn't matter how much testosterone you have in your body, you can't help but sing with this one.

6. Doctor Zhivago
Aside from Ben Kenobi leading you through this movie, David Lean provides another great directorial outing. No Lawrence, but a good movie, nonetheless.

5. Titanic
I HATE this movie, but it fits the category... ugh.

4. An Affair to Remember
What list like this wouldn't be complete without a Carey Grant movie?

3. Beauty and the Beast
I'm a sap for Disney, and this is their best work, period.

2. Casablanca
"They had a date with fate in Casablanca!"

1. Gone with the Wind
Counting inflation, probably the highest grossing movie of all time.

Ouch, that was rough. Time to pop in some movies with gratuitous violence and gore.

TeriB19 09-27-2002 10:11 PM

#10 Serendipity
I love John Cusack, and he and Kate Beckinsale have real chemistry in this one.

#9 Love Story
Ryan O'Neal (before he grew old, fat and arrogant, and Ali McGraw. Old, sad and romantic.

#8 Pretty Woman
The world fell in love with Julia Roberts in this flick, it was humorous and a nice love story.

#7 Casablanca
I always wanted Ilsa to stay behind with Rick. They never end the way I want them to.

#6 Gone With The Wind
I always rooted for Rhett in this one. Didn't care for Scarlett.

#5 Always
Although it was a remake, I didn't see the original. I loved this movie and I loved Richard Dreyfus and John Goodman in it.

#4 An Affair To Remember
Not the stupid remake with Warren Beatty, the Carey Grant, Deborah Kerr one. The GOOD one. Such a beautiful movie.

#3 When Harry Met Sally
Hilarious and romantic. Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan nailed it.

#2 The Quiet Man
My personal favorite John Wayne - Maureen O'Hara movie. Absolutely worth watching over and over and over. Very funny cast and just a great movie.

#1 Sleepless in Seattle
My man, Tom Hanks. He is so great in everything he does I just loved this movie.

Mulletman 09-28-2002 03:22 PM

i havent seen many chick flicks but the one i loke the most is Notting Hill, it was a nice movie and i liked the ending. i also liked crazy/beautilful that was a really cool movie

Dogstar 09-28-2002 03:46 PM

10. While You Were Sleeping. A fun little story that puts a new twist on falling for the brother of the one you think you love. Bill Pullman's a cutie and Peter Boyle and Peter Gallagher were a riot, as was Ally Walker. You can tell the cast had fun with it.

9. Pretty Woman. Not the biggest Julia Roberts or Richard Gere fan but this one was sweet, I admit, even if it was a well-worn theme of the good-hearted prostitute who finds true love.

8. Love Story. What TeriB said. A real tear-jerker and I hardly ever cry at the movies.

7. When Harry Met Sally. Wonderfully told story, and I could even stomach Meg Ryan in this one. The restaurant scene was so well-done and Billy Crystal was great.

6. Breakfast at Tiffany's. One of my fave Audrey Hepburn roles, and Peppard wasn't too bad, either.

5. The Breafkast Club. Not your typical romance, and more about high school and stereotyping, but it had enough elements to make this list. Plus, I just love the movie.

4. Mystic Pizza. This one featured a much thinner Vincent D'Onofrio, an unknown Julia Roberts before she became anorexic, and the very funny Lily Taylor. It's a good little story because not everyone ends up paired at the end.

3. Bridget Jones' Diary. Hugh Grant was the perfect cad in this one and I love Colin Firth. For once he didn't have to do one of those English period flicks, not that I mind them, but it was nice to see him in a more modern role. Renee Zellwegger (sp?) was a great Bridget Jones. A terrific supporting cast as well.

2. The Sound of Music. I'm a sap for this one. It was the very first movie I ever saw and repeated viewings do not diminish it in any way. And Christopher Plummer was hot in a uniform (sorry guys, couldn't help myself).

1. High Fidelity. John Cusack is great in struggling with the question of commitment. His trip toward the realization of who his true love is is a wild romp of neurotic episodes. Jack Black is wonderful comic relief.

hayley 09-28-2002 06:26 PM

ohh my fav type of movie!;) TITANIC all da way.:P

Dogstar 09-28-2002 06:45 PM

I tried to watch Titanic, but I couldn't get through it. That event is historically interesting in its own right and I couldn't get past the love story...A&E or Discovery Channel did a three-hour show on it, which was pretty good. Plus, not a big fan of Leo DiCaprio.

hayley 09-28-2002 09:25 PM

UR NOT???:slap: gosh he's sexy!

GoodGodGirl23 09-28-2002 10:32 PM

I like ol Leo too... Titanic was kewl, I bought da movie...:o But not everyone likes a everyone addicted2stapp, dats ok!!:P

Dogstar 09-28-2002 10:41 PM

He doesn't do a thing for me, A2S, sorry:D

hayley 09-28-2002 11:41 PM

ha ha that's alright! GGG, yes, everybody does have their own opinions!:) but there is only one thing that we all have the EXACT same opinion on, SCOTT STAPPS SEXY!!!!;) lol

Dogstar 09-28-2002 11:54 PM

100% agree with you on that one!

hayley 09-28-2002 11:56 PM


hayley 09-28-2002 11:57 PM

:stapp: uh those eyes!!!!!!

Dogstar 09-29-2002 02:45 AM

LOL, A2S...:cool:

Altair 09-29-2002 10:49 AM

I like to judge a movie on it's first viewing, but realize some movies actually need more than one viewing.
For instance, Titanic flat blew me away the first time I saw it.
It was great. I cried, I gripped the seat, and I thoroughly enjoyed this flick. It was good the 2nd time I saw it, but lost most of its impact.

Star Wars, The Phantom Menace, stunk the first time I saw it. I thought, "this is a kiddy movie." It had lost its magic. However, I had to see it a second time, and it was better. The 3rd time I saw it, I realized that there was a lot more going on in this movie than I had caught on the 1st viewing. Now, I think it's pretty good.

How about Jerry McGuire? I didn't want to leave the theater; I liked that movie so much. Great little love story.

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