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Riffman544 06-16-2004 06:17 PM

"Open Your Eyes"
Hey everyone I am new to the board! "Officially" that is! I am constantly reading the threads and stuff but never replied so HEY! For a good entrance I think ill say Open your eyes kicks major ass! And here id for the bashers on vh1 message board

1- its sounds like creed because well.....lets see....ITS MARK TREMONTI...its his style! And he is with the same band!

2- That is only one song off the 12 song album( is 12 correct?) So dont judge!
And how could you not like that song it kicks ass!

3- Mark Tremonti will personally beat your ass when he comes to your town

4- Myles's voice sounds amazing...And i mean amazing

And I do miss scott stapp being in the band but thats how it goes and....if alter bridge hits bigger than we think its going to.....guitar driven rock and GOOD soloing will be even more mainstream than it was with creed. When i heard that first hard dropped D guitar chord in distortion when i hit play on the vh1 site.....It felt good. Even better to hear that rumbling bass knowing brian is back on board. And to hear Phillips making fireworks with his premier custom set. SO IF YOU DONT LIKE IT!!! SHUTUP :-)

TeriB19 06-16-2004 06:44 PM

Dude, welcome to Creedfeed, but if you're so angry with the VH1 people, why don't you tell THEM what you just told us? Have a good stay here!

Bridge of Clay 06-16-2004 07:25 PM

so now I'm home and all the excitement of just hearing it is gone... I'll make a better review in my opinion...

First thing that's changed: It begins with Flip hitting the drums!!! Most of Creed songs begin with Mark's guitar and then Flip starts his job. Very nice!

The sound: I was expecting something totally different, harder... turns out it's so melodic, creedish. And that's what I loved about it!!! It has Mark's signature, which means it's amazing! I loved the melody.

Honestly, I didn't get chills down the spin like when I heard My Sacrifice for the first time. But I've never been so anxious for a song before and after I heard it... I was literally with my arms shacking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I think it's up the chills in emotions scale! lol! ) The solo... Mark shows how to shred it up!!! It's beautiful, the guitar is singing along! And finally he decided to show his voice. I always liked the songs he sings.

Flip: he's always improving. I don't know much about drums, but it fits so well to the song: not hidden, not over heard, it's perfect the way it is.

Brian: as I said, my speakers didn't allow me to hear the bass parts. When I fix it, I'll have a better notion, but from what I heard it...I was glad he's back. He's unique, he manages to create sub-melodies like in Say I and Pity for a Dime! Well done!

And last , but not the least:

Myles: what a range, so much control!!! I knew he was good, I dig M4's stuff after we knew he was the one, but on this song... he's indeed the best voice of rock I know. I love Stapp's voice and his way of singing, but Myles is better trained. He sounded completely different from the M4 mp3 I got (just 3: Eden, Flatley's Crutch and another one I forgot!). He rules!!! I wasn't surprised because I knew where he was coming from... but all the time I hear it, I keep thinking how awesome he is. I can't dare trying to sing AB's songs because I'd ruin it. And I love when he goes "uuuuhhhhhh"-ing.

The Lyrics: awesome!!! Indeed I was blown away, as Denise forecasted. Really beautiful! I don't know if it's only Mark's work or if this is one of the songs Myles collaborated, but I congrat him/them! They were really inspired and I wonder by what!

Although many comparissons are being made to Creed, I don't think it's a bad (comparisson). There's nothing wrong. I'm sure that when we hear the next songs, the band will grow apart. Indeed it was an excellent choice for a debut song and to get known.

Cheers, Alter Bridge!!! You guys have no idea how I missed your work!!! That's what motivate us to keep going!

But the bestest thing is that they know I exist now, since DJ Buckethead mentioned my name to them! LOL!

:: Marcos ::

mriamboring 06-16-2004 08:13 PM

Are we not allowed to say we don't like it if we don't because you disagree? I was looking forward to this and thus far the first song has been a disappointment. Obviously I'll listen to the album and judge the band from that, but I'm not convinced right now.

hayley 06-17-2004 01:17 AM

Well we don't care, go complain somewhere else

creedlvr 06-17-2004 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by addicted2stapp
Well we don't care, go complain somewhere else

This is the kind of crap I hate. Just because someone has a difference of opinion, they are told to "go away!?" Some people are going to like Alter Bridge and some people aren't ... get over it! There's no need to be rude! :mad1:

Xterminator27 06-17-2004 12:49 PM

I can expect alot of creed fans not to like Alterbridge just because the difference of them

Jooji_2 06-17-2004 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Riffman544

I don't like it....and I have just as much right to say that as you do to tell me to shut up. Don't tell me what kind of opinion I'm allowed to have. Last I heard the Constitution gives me the right of free speech....check out Amendment I of the Bill of Rights:D

guitarchitect 06-17-2004 03:17 PM

everyone is entitled to their own opinion. but i think Mark's writing is great. he' nailed the guitar on the song. i love it. myles has an awesome voice with a lot of range. i can see why the guys like him. and of course flip and brian have grown and are doing an awesome job too

multifast1 06-17-2004 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Jooji_2
I don't like it....and I have just as much right to say that as you do to tell me to shut up. Don't tell me what kind of opinion I'm allowed to have. Last I heard the Constitution gives me the right of free speech....check out Amendment I of the Bill of Rights:D

You better check that document again.. I'm pretty sure you don't have the right to post anything you want on a BB. You also can't scream fire in a crowded theater... unless there really is fire I guess :D

That said I LOVE the new song. Can't wait for the whole CD now. But I do respect someone's right to not like it and to discuss why they don't. I don't like everysong Creed ever put out but I think 90% of them are incredible.

cariocawlad 06-17-2004 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Xterminator27
I can expect alot of creed fans not to like Alterbridge just because the difference of them

Well, I think no. To me They sound very creedish too. Something like creed without Stapp. Anyway, I like the song very much. I was very upset about Alter Bridge (I'm a Scott Stapp fan) but I must admit that they are doing a very good job. I can feel Mark's happiness in this work.

Yes, I just can't take of my head the idea of Scott Stapp singing Open Your Eyes, but Myles is really a good singer and I change my mind about Alter Bridge.

KaeBabe 06-17-2004 03:57 PM

I love the new song. Mark's guitar work is awesome, he's finally showing what he's capable of. I think Flip is sooo much better on the drums when he plays like this. The two have definitely come into their own. I never got to hear Brian so this was a real treat! He can play the bass sooo well. And I was a little iffy about Myles, but I love his voice and the range it can get. Very awesome!

I don't think this is a song for everyone, but as long as they're happy with it so am I. Great Job guys!

multifast1 06-17-2004 04:02 PM

Oh yeah.. one more comment on the this song. I think it's a very Creed-like song too. Maybe it's because it was a song written by Mark when he thought it would be recorded by Creed.. not sure. I'm also guessing this is the most radio-friendly song on the CD and that's why it was released first. I'm pretty sure the best is yet to come and this one song isn't the best indication of what Alter Bridge is necessarily about.

RockGoddess 06-17-2004 04:06 PM


I can feel Mark's happiness in this work

Great post!

This thread has some really well thought out posts, and it's nice to see some people discuss and not bicker. :)

hayley 06-17-2004 04:26 PM


creedlvr 06-17-2004 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by addicted2stapp
AHHHHHHH for GOD sake I'm sick of you and your stupid little arguments! You're always unhappy, you always have something to say to me, you're so damn annoying!!

I didn't say that because he has a "DIFFERENT OPINION THAN ME" :rolleyes: I said that because it's going to get real tense if people start bashing Alter Bridge. He wasn't bashing Alter Bridge, I know that, but it might have lead to that, I don't know. Alter Bridge bashing isn't welcome here, just like Creed bashing isn't.

Oh sorry, is this all too against-Stapp for you? :rolleyes:

First, I don't appreciate being talked to like that. You might just be the rudest person on this board. Do you even know how stupid and immature you sound? I'm truly embarassed for you. You are clearly not capable of disagreeing with someone in a civilized manner. Re-read your post! It was fucking rude! (I'm not talking about the one to me ... that was clearly rude and I could care less about you or what you think.) I'm talking about this one that you wrote to a newcomer ... who wasn't at all insulting to any particular side ... just stated his/her opinion. The one when you responded ...

Originally Posted by addicted2stapp
Well we don't care, go complain somewhere else

And obviously, he/she took it the same way I did, if you read what the response was.

There are plenty of level-headed people here who are capable of having a difference of opinion without yelling and insulting people. Obviously, you're not one of them.

"Oh sorry, is this all too against-Stapp for you?:rolleyes:" Please! Grow up! It'll do you a world of good. (And you might also want to change your screen name ... it's clearly not accurate!)

:Waits for a stupid, nonsensical response.:

Flip 06-17-2004 05:18 PM

As a Drummer who has worked with bands..I must say that flip on Open your Eyes is ok Not Brilliant could be better but hey ihavent heard the whole album.. there so much Dumiing wise that he could do! but thn again It is a well layed ouyt track it woud be a shame to spoil it overall the song kicks ass...obuislsy its going to sound creedy as its half the band!!, i think alterbridge will be big and have major potental What does any else think?... :mad1: <<<Lovis the smiley>>>

Steve 06-17-2004 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by addicted2stapp
AHHHHHHH for GOD sake I'm sick of you and your stupid little arguments! You're always unhappy, you always have something to say to me, you're so damn annoying!!

I didn't say that because he has a "DIFFERENT OPINION THAN ME" :rolleyes: I said that because it's going to get real tense if people start bashing Alter Bridge. He wasn't bashing Alter Bridge, I know that, but it might have lead to that, I don't know. Alter Bridge bashing isn't welcome here, just like Creed bashing isn't.

Oh sorry, is this all too against-Stapp for you? :rolleyes:

Please calm down. If you're sick of someone and their posts, try the report-a-post function and let the mods take care of it. No need for you to take the "law" into your own hands.

guitarchitect 06-17-2004 06:24 PM

yeah come on guys. alter bridge are doing there thing .. stapp is doing his. just appreciate which ever u wanna listen to.
steve has always done a good job with the site. try not repay him with arguments.

i think musically it is a great song. it has that power that grabs you and to hear Mark's melodic stuff again is cool. if u don't agree.. fine. but u remember you supported these guys once. sure u can not like bits and review critically but this is something new that i think is great for rock. hopefully we can all appreciate that and let it happen without any tension between fans.. let alone the real bashers etc out there

Flip 06-17-2004 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by guitarchitect
yeah come on guys. alter bridge are doing there thing .. stapp is doing his. just appreciate which ever u wanna listen to.
steve has always done a good job with the site. try not repay him with arguments.

i think musically it is a great song. it has that power that grabs you and to hear Mark's melodic stuff again is cool. if u don't agree.. fine. but u remember you supported these guys once. sure u can not like bits and review critically but this is something new that i think is great for rock. hopefully we can all appreciate that and let it happen without any tension between fans.. let alone the real bashers etc out there

Here here Let bygones be bygones

KaeBabe 06-17-2004 09:37 PM

Great post Dan!

Tremontichik006 06-17-2004 09:46 PM

oh my goodness!
i just listened to the song for the first time and all i can say is wow. i absolutely love it. myles voice is to die for and marks guitar.... is so awesome!! flip sounds great as usual and brian soounds pretty darn good too. the lyrics are amazing too. wow im just stunned. guys, when the song started i got tears in my eyes. ive been waiting so long to hear some new stuff and not that its here im so excited. words cant explain how happy i am right now. now all we have to wait for is scotts new stuff!!!! :D x's 1000000

Jooji_2 06-17-2004 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by multifast1
You better check that document again.. I'm pretty sure you don't have the right to post anything you want on a BB. You also can't scream fire in a crowded theater... unless there really is fire I guess :D

That said I LOVE the new song. Can't wait for the whole CD now. But I do respect someone's right to not like it and to discuss why they don't. I don't like everysong Creed ever put out but I think 90% of them are incredible.

I believe I have the right to post my opinion, when the topic of the discussion is someone telling me I have no right to an opinion. But then he wasnt telling you to SHUT THE HELL UP. :D

hayley 06-18-2004 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by creedlvr
First, I don't appreciate being talked to like that.

And you think I appreciate you talking to me in the way that you did?


Originally Posted by creedlvr
I'm truly embarassed for you.

Aww, that's cute.


Originally Posted by creedlvr
There are plenty of level-headed people here who are capable of having a difference of opinion without yelling and insulting people. Obviously, you're not one of them.

Actually, I am. I am quite capabale of having a conversation with someone that disagrees with me. You just haven't seen that, whenever I post something that you don't like, you always have to let me know about it, can't you just leave me alone? I don't like you and you don't like me, deal with it.


Originally Posted by creedlvr
(And you might also want to change your screen name ... it's clearly not accurate!)

Oh yes, sorry about that, because you can't stand to see anything Stapp involved when we are talking about Alter Bridge! Gosh, throw me in jail! :eek:


Originally Posted by Steve
Please calm down. If you're sick of someone and their posts, try the report-a-post function and let the mods take care of it. No need for you to take the "law" into your own hands.

I'm sorry Steve. This person is just really getting on my nerves and always has to pick an argument with me. I'm not here to argue, but it seems like creedlvr is.

Mulletman 06-18-2004 02:31 AM

by all means, don't stop. I havent banned anyone in a while and I'm getting rather twitchy. Hell I don't care who it is, I dont discriminate, I'll ban anyone. So please, induldge me.

hayley 06-18-2004 03:40 AM

Ban creedlvr. :D

Just kidding, don't go ape shit, creedlvr and I obviously have our differences and don't like one another, but she has a right to be here just as much as I do, even if we don't like one another.

Ban Dan, that will be funny when he tries to log in when he comes back from his holiday :laugh:

Evil_wizzzard 06-18-2004 08:28 AM

Song is good, but i think it would sound better, if the singer was Stapp...

creedlvr 06-18-2004 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by addicted2stapp
Actually, I am. I am quite capabale of having a conversation with someone that disagrees with me. You just haven't seen that, whenever I post something that you don't like, you always have to let me know about it, can't you just leave me alone?

Oh boo-hoo! I'm sorry ... I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Will you forgive me???

I don't like you and you don't like me, deal with it.
That's an understatement!

Oh yes, sorry about that, because you can't stand to see anything Stapp involved when we are talking about Alter Bridge! Gosh, throw me in jail! :eek:
Too stupid to comment on.

I'm sorry Steve. This person is just really getting on my nerves and always has to pick an argument with me. I'm not here to argue, but it seems like creedlvr is.
Steve, ditto that for me. Only I'm not the one who is here to argue. Some people just like to turn things around to suit themselves.

Here's a great idea ...
Don't respond to any of my posts and I won't respond to yours. In fact, from here on, you'll be on my ignore list.

Steve 06-18-2004 12:28 PM

Here's an idea - a warning for both of you. I've said if you don't like a post, don't respond to it - use the report a post. Neither of you have listened to that. Please stop the arguing on the boards. Take it to PMs or email if you really feel you have to argue.

TeriB19 06-18-2004 06:08 PM

I recommend the "Ignore" button for both of you.

hayley 06-18-2004 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Steve
- use the report a post.

What does that do?

Steve 06-18-2004 10:05 PM

It sends a message to all moderators with a link to the post and any comments you wish us to see. We can then handle it from there.

hayley 06-18-2004 10:08 PM

Oh, so that's what it does. :D If I put her on my ignore list, will I still be able to read her posts?

Mulletman 06-18-2004 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by addicted2stapp
Oh, so that's what it does. :D If I put her on my ignore list, will I still be able to read her posts?


TeriB19 06-19-2004 12:05 AM

That's the point, Hayley. If you and she both use the ignore button, you can avoid any further arguments. It works wonders.

hayley 06-19-2004 12:17 AM

Yeah it sure does, I can't see her posts anymore. :D


DangerousDan85 06-19-2004 12:52 AM

I hate having dial-up, it had to reload like every 15 seconds on, it goes longer without reloading on I really like the song. I did hear some similarities with My Sacrifice and Higher in some guitar parts, but nothing major. I enjoyed Myles's voice. I cant wait to hear what the rest of the cd will be like. Hopefully my radio station will start playing the song soon, so i can listen to it without any interuptions.

multifast1 06-21-2004 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Jooji_2
I believe I have the right to post my opinion, when the topic of the discussion is someone telling me I have no right to an opinion. But then he wasnt telling you to SHUT THE HELL UP. :D

The topic did not tell you you don't have a right to an opinion.. Everyone has the right to their opinion. The ability to post that said opinion on a message board is a freakin privilege .. and one that you've been abusing for some time now :D

Funny how I remember some time ago when the debates about "who's fault" the break-up was.. it was you telling others to SHUT THE HELL UP about saying anything bad towards Stapp. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

Jooji_2 06-21-2004 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by multifast1
The ability to post that said opinion on a message board is a freakin privilege .. and one that you've been abusing for some time now :D

If voicing my opinion, and debating it endlessly with someone who continues to call me a fool for having it in the first place is abusing the privilege....then I'm freakin guilty as hell :D

I've been told to shut up several times. I may argue a point till its fried....but I don't believe I've ever told someone in those words "shut the hell up". :wtf:

Mulletman 06-21-2004 07:50 PM

Keep you pride and take it elsewhere. It is better to keep a low profile and the other person look like a fool and get banned. Doesn't matter if you're just defending yourself or something you believe deeply in, if you slip - you go.

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