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Sasa 01-19-2013 11:43 PM

Re: Daily Bread
Exciting News

Lately I have been shopping a lot! :D ... More than I ever shopped in my life.

We were in the midst of buying a binder for my child for school when I look up and glowing before me was one of the most interesting tools I have ever seen...

A laminator... Want to use my laminator? Nice way to make a friend don't ya think?

To laminate or not to laminate it? That is the question. Yes maybe I am a weirdo I get excited over lamination procedures and beautiful books. I love to create.

I bought two books today Dante's Inferno...preparing for my all time favorite author's new book. Inferno by Dan Brown coming out in May. I thought since the book is written about this poem then I should study first. The other book was unplanned but what sold me on it was that it is written by a neurosurgeon that died and went to heaven, he tell about the experience. Before it happened he thought life after death stories were just brain reflexes..until it happened to him.

The story is called" Proof of Heaven" I am on page 4, but it's interesting coming out the gate. Here is the link:

Tomorrow we are adopting a new puppy, She is eight weeks old and we are naming her "Sunday" because we are going to pick her up on Sunday and meeting her for the first time. She is a "magical" lab and husky mix. I assure you...she is not your average dog. ;)

You see this dog is magically special because we used to have a Solid White, blue eyed husky that disappeared about 2 years ago, we haven't seen a trace of her since except in our dreams, she still visits. Our hearts were broken for a long time. I kept telling my daughter I would get her another dog, but kept making know's hard to get attached like that...and just start over so quickly.

Well I told her we were going to try a lab this time because husky's are very hyperactive dogs but very smart. So she still wanted a husky. I call about an ad in a local paper...thinking it was a husky puppy because naturally the child always in wins out in situations like this. Ha!

I am talking to the lady, Debbie. I ask her if she has a puppy left and she says, Yes I have one left and she is a female. I said great is she a husky? She says, "yes, and a lab mix." She is half husky / half lab! My heart just exploded...and I knew she was our dog, it was meant to be, it was fate...destiny..divine guidance...she is a special dog. I haven't seen her yet ...but can't wait til tomorrow. We are picking her up after lunch. :)

Sasa 01-23-2013 01:09 PM

Re: Daily Bread
Spawn of Hell...

Ha! That is what you would think when you see out new dog! Rosemary's baby.

But she is "gorgeous" all at the same time. Very hyperactive, and teething...I am bleeding at the moment. I have been teaching her how to howl and say I love you. We are making progress. She bit my index finger. She also has webbed feet. Labs have webbed feet. She will already sit on command, is house broken and will fetch a tennis ball. Talking on the other hand takes a bit of time, but huskys can talk very well with some training. ;)

My sister swears our animals try to talk to her...She said this time she is packing holy water.

She is absolutely beautiful, took my breath when I saw her for the first time. She came right to me and I handed her to her new mom. So thankful for her! :)

Sasa 01-24-2013 02:19 PM

Re: Daily Bread
Scotty Maloney

"He's always happy, so he deserves some recognition for who he is," Gibbs said.

Three Tennessee homecoming king nominees made a unanimous and touching decision that no matter who won, they would give the crown to a beloved student with a genetic condition.
Students Jesse Cooper, Drew Gibbs and Zeke Grissom were all nominated for homecoming king at Community High School's basketball homecoming ceremony.
The teens got together and decided that the winner would turn over the honor to junior Scotty Maloney, who has Williams Syndrome, a neurological disorder that inhibits learning and speech.
"I've been blessed with so many things," Cooper told ABC News' Nashville affiliate WKRN-TV. "I just wanted Scotty to experience something great in his high school days."
"He's always happy, so he deserves some recognition for who he is," Gibbs said.
Cooper won the popular vote for king, but when the official announcement was made at a Friday ceremony, the principal told the crowd what the nominees had decided to do.
"When they called [Scotty's] name, his eyes got really big and I don't know that he registered exactly what was happening. He knew something was," Maloney's teacher Liz Hestle Gassaway told "It was very, very emotional."
The crowd erupted with cheers and Maloney got a long standing ovation, WKRN reported, as he was awarded his "King" medal.
"It was just a ton of emotion from everybody," Grissom told WKRN. "I think I saw Scotty shed a few tears. I know Jesse was pretty emotional. We were all emotional out there on the court."
Maloney is a beloved teen in his school and in the community, Gassaway said.
"Scotty is fabulous. He is a superstar. He knows everybody. There's not one person that Scotty does not know," she said. "To know him and meet him is to love him."
Gassaway believes that the nearly 500-student school in Unionville, Tenn., is "one of the best schools in the world when it comes to dealing with special needs children."
Students like Cooper help out in special needs gym classes and other activities. Gassaway said the boys' gesture toward Maloney sent a greater message.
"We want people to have more empathy towards people, not be scared of people with disabilities," she said. "We want them to embrace them, more like the boys did.
Next year Maloney will get to crown the school's new homecoming king. But for now, he is proudly sporting his medal everywhere he goes.
"He's been wearing his medal around," Gassaway said with a laugh. "He is not here today because he had a doctor's appointment, but I'm sure he has his medal on."

We have amazing teens and kids....

Sasa 01-24-2013 02:24 PM

Re: Daily Bread
We have amazing kids....


Sasa 01-26-2013 12:46 AM

Re: Daily Bread
Life Reflects our Internal Changes and Choices

Life on the a direct reflection of Life on the INSIDE.

I had a beautiful thing happen in my life today. My daughter used to be a very competitive athlete. She has won over 60 medals in her sport, not to mention multiple trophies. But her knees began to give her many troubles and the pain was she had an early retirement leaving her dreams shattered and her future blurry. We were heart broken but as a parent I could not stand to see her in such pain, and when we went to very prominent, experienced sports doctor, He told me that what she had is called Osgood Schlattter and it would get better only when she stopped growing, by that time...her career in her particular sport...would be over.

It has been a few months since she had to stop doing something she loved, and now she has been kind of at a loss trying to find something she is passionate about again. I have tried to be a gentle guide, throwing many different subjects to her to chew on. Music lessons, acting, singing, art, yoga, swimming, vollyball, soccer, ...Recently I decided we have sat at home enough, it is time for her to get back into something at least try something new.

So I decided I would sign her up for modeling classes and for a local swim team. These are things she has shown interest in and I told her to just try it and see if it fits. I have asked for prayer so that she finds her way and that something else will come into her life that she can be passionate about again.

Well a few weeks ago, I signed us up to volunteer at a local zoo. Tonight I get an email asking for us to come in and work with either the birds or the giraffes. We are going to start with the giraffes... ;) I have to assist because she is not quite old enough to be on her own so she has to have a parent present. We are going to work with wild animals...Isn't that fantastic? Talk about becoming one with nature...I am so happy.

I am so excited and so is she....

Still signing her up for some modeling classes...I think she will have a lot of fun with that.

She is doing a Powerpoint for school...Ha..this is funny! In her goals for the future she wants to be The sexiest "Meteorologist" in the World. She has her little pictures and everything. It is interesting because ever since she was about 7 or 8...she has slept with the weather channel on her tv in her bedroom. Not cartoons..she watches the weather channel.

I love to watch their personalities bloom... It is a blessing!

Sasa 01-29-2013 11:20 PM

Re: Daily Bread

I constantly forget what I have been given. I think that we live so long as victims and in poverty and dependent on someone else for our survival that even when we are given the get out of jail free card or "key"....

We still go through moments of forgetfulness...

I have moments where I feel it and I remember...and then plunge back into victim, helpless, powerless mode.

I am wide awake...wait no, no...I am drowsy and sleeping again.
I am am sleeping...I am ...wait I am still sleeping.

I have amazing things happen that nudges me and says...wake up are awake and you have been shown the way ..HOME. :) All You have to do is not forget that simple fact and use what you have been given.

Everything is an affirmation, if we constantly complain about something then we are calling those circumstances into our lives over and over again. But when we appreciate and say thank you for what we have, we are constantly gifted with more of that... We are calling circumstances into our lives that cause us to be thankful by our thoughts and words.

Sasa 01-29-2013 11:36 PM

Re: Daily Bread
Two Marks (. .)

Sasa 01-30-2013 12:18 AM

Re: Daily Bread

Sasa 01-30-2013 05:20 PM

Re: Daily Bread
Just Kidding....

; )

I promise I will be good from now on...I just like to play a little bit!

... It's all beautiful...Nothin' but love here. :)

Sasa 02-11-2013 05:54 PM

Re: Daily Bread
...BEAUTY FOR ashes....

.....................JOY FOR mourning!


Sasa 02-12-2013 08:56 AM

Re: Daily Bread
Happy Tuesday!

A little music to start the day off right...


When I was a little uncle used to lean over the hood of his truck in his front yard and listen to Waylon Jennings very loud. While we were all playing in the front yard...those songs became a part of me. Love Waylon...and my uncle for introducing him to me.


What a gift I found....James singing Waylon... :)

The sound I grew up with...


Sasa 02-16-2013 12:21 AM

Re: Daily Bread
Ignorance has prevailed so long, only because people do not want to know the truth.

Because in knowing means we have to take responsibility for our actions, and shift. In doing this we no longer fit in.
We become...THE MINORITY.


Sasa 02-16-2013 12:32 AM

Re: Daily Bread

Sasa 02-17-2013 10:16 AM

Re: Daily Bread

I don't know when or why I suddenly realized this but it is so powerful that it is meant for sharing in more places than one.

No matter how many possessions we own, or what our socioeconomic status is in the physical world we are all equal in that we all have the God Given right to experience true natural beauty. Beauty that is FREE and gives in abundance. The kind of beauty that doesn't require anything to be paid, you can't buy it with money. We have all the food that we can grow..and when we harvest it we are given hundreds of seeds with each one to start again. The most beautiful cathedrals...are the ones that man didn't build.

True beauty...lies in NATURE.

It is only waiting to be appreciated.


SupplAklas 02-23-2013 06:51 AM

Re: Daily Bread
A thought for the day. This is a mirror of the printed version, with links to audio files and Bible ...

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