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JulieCitySlicker 07-02-2004 10:48 PM

Ok, cool! Thanks Whitebird:)
He just got up and was sitting in the kitchen sink, so I turned on the faucet,lol He got outta there real fast!

whitebird 07-02-2004 10:58 PM

Julie, the thing about the tape is, that you don't have to be there for him to experience it.

The sink? He is a sassy and funny little boy. Yea, they are great to talk to, I do it all the time.

JulieCitySlicker 07-02-2004 11:05 PM

Ya, I think he does stuff that he isn't supposed to just to get attention, wether good or bad, lol! He thinks he needs constant petting or to sit in your lap 24/7:)

TeriB19 07-02-2004 11:22 PM

Whitebird, if that woman told me what she told you, there would be a stream of expletives coming out of my mouth towards her. :censored:

My old kitty Sunni, who we lost last year, was the absolute best pet. I got her when I was 20 and she was with me for many many years. Every night she'd sleep in the crook of my legs. Every night - without fail. And for several years there, she was quite a tubby tabby, so she was pretty hard to move when I needed to move. She sat with me religiously at night right here at the computer. She'd sit on my lap, purring loudly as I posted, chatted with my Creedfeed buddies and was great company when my kids were sleeping and my hubby was at work. Her passing left me feeling terribly empty and sad. Then came Cinnamon 10 months later. I was ready for a new kitty and JenRN was right there to help. The first week we had Cinnamon in the house, she slept with me on my neck. Yes, ON my neck. And her purring brought back many great memories of Sunni. So cats have always been a great source of joy and love in my life.

Mulletman 07-03-2004 02:18 AM

I do not blame you for being offended at all, I would have too. I would slam on the brakes if an animal crossed the road. Can't say the same about a person. I know that borders one psychotic, like everything I say, but I guess you have to be a real pet owner to understand one.

We have a 3 year old chiguagua [a hispanic with a chiguagua, I kid you not!] that is basically a part of the family. His name is Tarzan and he is probably the greatest pet I've had. When my mom acquired him we weren't entirely thrilled because of its breed, but once we actually got him our tone changed. My family just laughs at the way we treat that dog, specially since we [mostly me] put this dog before others. We've taken him to DC, NYC, Dallas, Miami, almost anyway we can. I have a picture of him just standing there near the Capitol building reflecting pool. I used to date this girl last summer which the dog just completely fell for. If we were lying on my bed, she could rest her head on my stomach, chest or lap - but if I tried that he'd snap at me. If we were sitting on the couch and he saw that we were holding hands, he would just stick his nose in till we let go. If he saw me try to put my arm around her, he would give me this "WTF do you think you are doing?" look. One day after church I arrived home and decided to walk the dog. Since my dad was out of town on business and decided to leave his car with us, I figured we might as well take it and go to the local park to pick up chicks. Well we did get a lot of attention but most of it was in the ride to the park. Imagine this, 21 year old male in a suit, driving a Jaguar with a little lap dog sticking his head out the window barking at everything and anything that moved. After reading people talk about these big beautiful dogs its wierd that I come out and talk about one that barely the size of a house cat, but I love this dog. The things I love about small dogs is that when it snaps at me its only a small bite - I dont have to wrestle a 200lb beast off my bed, instead I just share it with one thats 5lbs - When it wants to be taken out in the early morning its small enough to just throw a pillow over. Thats ma doggy!

I am betting that a few of you are laughing ;)

Creed_Defaultgirl 07-03-2004 02:50 AM

LOL, my 100 pound beast doesn't come in the house! Whitebird, if you'd like to hear all the names of all my animals, you're in for a ride! LOL I've got a mess of them. Okay, here it goes.....
I have a Great Pyraneese, his name is Baine
I have a Pigmy (sp?) Goat named Cody
I have a female cat named Casey
And then I've got Simon.
A few days ago I got some fish, but they all look the same, and they take such little matience, I'm not going to name them. So if you count my 7 fish, I have 11 pets all together! LOL.
My dog is scared of the thunder, and although he has a perfectly good doghouse to get in, he won't and he'll sit on the back step and scratch the door. So everytime it rains we have to move Baine out under the carport, and move the cars out. And everytime I take Baine for a walk, or just out of the fence, Cody will do the goat call thing, like baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, until we bring the dog back to him! It's so funny. And the goat also tries to hump the dog, but Baine is too tall for him......It's hilarious. Our cat's Simon and Casey will get in the chair and take turns licking each's kinda gross, but it's cute.

whitebird 07-03-2004 08:00 AM

Teri, I'm sorry that you lost your beautiful little, chubby Sunni. I've lost pets too, and I must admit it is really hard.

I can understand what you said about sleeping, and having them against you. Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck, and can't move. My little dog Molly sleeps in the curve of my body. Butt against my tummy, when she starts having puppy dreams, and kicking, it feels like I'm pregnant all over again.

I remember too when Jen got you the new kitten Cinnamon, and you posted pictures. She was so cute. It sounds like she has created her own little place in your life, even though Sunni will be loved, and remembered.

Have you read the poem "The Rainbow Bridge"? I cry every time.

Mulletman, DARN, I knew there had to be a soft spot somewhere. ;) Your little dog sounds like a fun little guy. And I must admit, it sounds like it would be easy to take him all of the places that he has traveled with you. Tuck him under your arm, and your good to go. You should see me trying to walk both my dogs at the same time, it would crack you up. Nikki is 80 lbs. and Molly is a small yet chubby 40 lbs. I haven't yet become airborn, but darn close.

I also think it's cute that he had such affection for your girlfriend. He wouldn't even let you hold hands? :D

Creed Defaultgirl, WOW, you do have an interesting bunch. I bet they are really fun. Just the little goat loving the great big dog, would be a sight to see.

Sheila63 07-03-2004 08:00 AM

whitebird, I'm so sorry that woman said that to you. I've always been an animal lover and we've always had pets in the family ever since I was a kid.

My parents have a golden retriever, his name is Sam. One time I was at their house taking care of him while they were on vacation and I remember being upset about something. I was sitting on the couch crying and he came over to me, looking at me with those big brown eyes, letting me know that he was there. It was like he was trying to comfort me and let me know I wasn't alone. When I go and visit, he always is so loving. He's like my baby. Whenever I'm there, I always give him a big hug and lots of love!! And yes, he sheds but I don't care. He loves to lean up against me and put his head against me too. He is such a great dog!!

The other story is about my sister's dog, Casey, who we lost almost a year ago. When he got sick last year, we had a neighbor check on him while we had to be at work. Our neighbor told us that when she asked him if he wanted some more water, he look at his water dish like he knew exactly what she was saying. He was such a smart dog!!

Thanks for all of the great stories, everyone. I enjoyed reading them. :)

whitebird 07-03-2004 08:07 AM

Hi Sheila, Thanks, I love your stories too, and everyone elses.

I honestly think that animals have kinder, and more loving hearts than we do as people. Your story about Sam, is a great example. They understand when we are down and hurting, and they try their best to make us feel better.

Thanks. It has made me feel better, knowing that you all love your pets too.

Sheila63 07-03-2004 08:14 AM

Hi whitebird! I agree, animals are so loving and do give you unconditional love. Sam is a special dog and so loving. I'll never forget that day. I look forward to giving him some of those big hugs tomorrow when I go to my parent's house for a bbq. I'm happy we've been able to make you feel better. :hugs:

WeatheredWoman 07-03-2004 08:43 AM

Awwww... I adore all those little petstories! Thnx for sharing.. it always hits a weak spot inside of me!

I have pets too. I have a dog named Toyah, she's a mixture of a Dutch Shepherddog and an English Stafford... A cat called Plurkie, her father was a "Blue Russian" and she's also "blue"(that's what they call it but it's still grey to me) with green eyes... and 2 rats, they're called husky-rats (grey and white) Ratticate and Ratata...

TeriB19 07-03-2004 09:36 AM

I"m loving these stories!! And whitebird, yes I have read the Rainbow Bridge. When someone's pet passed away a few years ago, I believe it was my good friend souldancer who posted that poem. I saved it to my favorite places and it gave me such warm comfort when we lost Sunni.

whitebird 07-03-2004 10:03 AM

WeatheredWoman, what great names for your pets, I especially like the rats names. I've never had one, but I hear that they make really good pets, very loving.

Here is another one of my pet stories, that I tell to the children I work with.

For many years I had a bird named Sunshine. She was a very bright yellow color, a Lutino parakeet. I had found her lost, starving to death, and hiding in a woodpile for safety.

Bringing her into the house for the first time, she was riding on my raised arm. My little dog Molly took one look at her and made a leap that I have never seen her do since. She grabbed this little bird's tail, and pulled out all the feathers. Molly had a mouthful of feathers, Sunshine had a bare butt, and I was in shock.

I was worried that the relationship in our household would be dangerous for this little bird, but I had nothing to worry about. Biding her time, Sunshine waited. The next time Molly got close, Sunshine grabbed her by the end of the nose and wouldn't let go. Molly was squealing, and trying to shake her off, and Sunshine was attached like glue. Finally letting Molly's nose go, Sunshine strutted off the winner. She was the boss, and Molly knew it. Sunshine's tail grew back, and for the rest of her life, she teased that poor little dog every chance she got. And she got such a kick out of doing it.

Creed_Defaultgirl 07-04-2004 01:26 AM

Smart bird!
I was outside in the yard the other day and my cat was walking around, and I guess she got too close to a bird's nest or something, but this bird kept swooping down at her, I don't think it ever hit her, but it got close. After a few close calls she ran over to my mom like she was saying "Mommy save me!!!!"

Simon and Casey were very playful this evening, it was funny, one would pounce on the other, and they would bite each other, then later they got in the chair and started to lick each other, then they started playing again, then they licked some more.....on and on, now they are sleeping. Animals are charaters sometimes!

whitebird 07-04-2004 06:06 PM

Teri, I do remember the thread. Yes souldancer is a wonderful person. She always has such great quotes, quite beautiful.

Creed Defaultgirl, cute story about your cat. You're right they do run to us for protection, even if the danger is only a little bird.

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