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05-22-2004, 02:03 PM
i just read your post. you accused scott of badmouthing mark and other creed members. But did you really believe everything other people tell you? Isn't it just too naive of you to think that what they said is 100% truth?
I've never seen a man who is as careful of his words as Scott is and i've never heard of him say a negative word about his bandmates. Don't accuse an innocent man. The truth is i only saw you bashing scott on creedfeed and other protremonti websites. Don't try to promote hatred everywhere you go.

If your words were judged like a crime, i would find you and your brother guilty and put you on death sentence.

Trees of Wisdom
05-22-2004, 02:13 PM
admin edit >>> inappropriate post

05-22-2004, 02:17 PM
why don't you shut the heck up yourself?
you mean since only michael knows about Creed in this website, he'll be 100% truth machine? he's mark's brother, dumb$hit. he says things on Mark's behalf not on Creed's.

admin edit >>> no namecalling

Trees of Wisdom
05-22-2004, 02:21 PM
admin edit >>> inappropriate post

05-22-2004, 02:30 PM
Michael IS biased, dumb$hit!!!!!

And how do you know if his RELIABLE sources are really reliable.
You mean you are stupid enough to believe people tell only the truth?
Wait, U R cuz u r a dumb$hit.

Mark's wife Vicki distanced Mark from Scott too, did you know that?
Obviously not cuz u r a stupid$hit.

05-22-2004, 02:31 PM
Michael has also said he hasn't talked to or seen Stapp in over six months, according to a post of his at another website. I don't blame the guy for taking up for his brother, but apparently his brother made his comments to fans, not friends and business associates, in private. And fans still continue to repeat his comments. I see a real difference there.

Why does it always have to come down to pitting people against one another?

Trees of Wisdom
05-22-2004, 02:34 PM
Michael IS biased, dumb$hit!!!!!

And how do you know if his RELIABLE sources are really reliable.
You mean you are stupid enough to believe people tell only the truth?
Wait, U R cuz u r a dumb$hit.

Mark's wife Vicki distanced Mark from Scott too, did you know that?
Obviously not cuz u r a stupid$hit.

Haha, you make me laugh. You're only rambling on and on. You're only making yourself look like a jackass if not already. Quit while you're ahead.

Trees of Wisdom
05-22-2004, 02:54 PM
Michael has also said he hasn't talked to or seen Stapp in over six months, according to a post of his at another website. I don't blame the guy for taking up for his brother, but apparently his brother made his comments to fans, not friends and business associates, in private. And fans still continue to repeat his comments. I see a real difference there.

Why does it always have to come down to pitting people against one another?

But the comments Stapp said about the band happened a while ago.

Right now, Scott Stapp is the bad guy, so enough with the talk.

05-22-2004, 03:56 PM
Ignore that loser, all he's doing is trying to start trouble by acting like a mere toddler. Evidently some people just can't show respect for someone especially when we've got Mark's own brother relaying us information as fast as he can get it. Keep it up Michael, you rock man.

05-22-2004, 04:36 PM
And I was threatened with being banned by Mullethead, or whatever his name is?

This person is a total wack job.

Luvscott, don't ever bring Mrs. Tremonti into a thread topic.

Lock this fucker down now. And if it doesn't get locked it will speak volumes about this board and the people who run it.

Outta here

05-22-2004, 04:36 PM
Trees of Wisdom, cut the crap and the total lack of respect for other board members, or I will report you to Steve, and he can decide to ban you. It's fine to disagree with people, but to use language such as yours is insulting, rude and completely uncalled for. Consider this a warning. The next time, I'll just report you.

05-22-2004, 04:40 PM
If your words were judged like a crime, i would find you and your brother guilty and put you on death sentence.

Michael, you and Mark might want to take out a TRO.

05-22-2004, 04:46 PM
And I was threatened with being banned by Mullethead, or whatever his name is?
Yes, and with good reason by MulletMAN. Stop your whining.

Lock this fucker down now. And if it doesn't get locked it will speak volumes about this board and the people who run it.

Regardless of how long you have been lurking/posting, you don't ave the first clue about the person and or people who run this board.

Outta here

Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.

05-22-2004, 05:45 PM
lol...priceless :wtf:

you all run this board just fine ;)

Alter Shredder
05-22-2004, 05:48 PM
Luvscott, I see that you are upset, but if you read michaels posts he was 1)responding to a quote saying that Scott never talked bad about the ban 2) he said the knife cuts both ways, and he even brought up the comments made at the meet and greet, so really he was just trying to show that right now, both guys arent too happy with the other. does this make it a little more clear?

05-22-2004, 05:50 PM
But the comments Stapp said about the band happened a while ago.

Right now, Scott Stapp is the bad guy, so enough with the talk.

I wasn't aware that Michael stated when the comments were made. The big difference is that Stapp didn't make them in front of fans, who are now repeatedly bringing them up, over and over.

Why is it that you have to have a bad guy? I haven't said anything nasty about anyone here...just stating what I think about the situation. And I'll continue to talk as long as I do it in a respectful manner. :wtf:

05-22-2004, 06:00 PM
mmmmmhhhhh, i remember the days when Creed Feed was a nice little friendly place. All the bickering, taking sides, and rumors have gotten outta control. :thud:


05-22-2004, 06:10 PM
Trees of Wisdom - please treat others with respect. If someone says something you don't agree with, don't flame them. Report the post. This is a warning to you.

Everyone else, don't respond to flames. Use the report function to notify admins.

Thread is closed.