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03-28-2003, 08:15 PM
Is there an album out w/Stapp singing w/the band members of The Doors? I have Riders On The Storm on a single CD but was wondering if they ever released an album?

I am having Creed withdrawl! Went to see Tim McGraw and Deff Leppard (sp?) in concert last week and they weren't the same as my Creed! I have a DVD that my cousin downloaded for me of some TV appearances and some of their videos and I am sitting here watching them for the upteenth time. I'm in my zone and need my Creed! I keep checking their site every other day for tour dates.

Isn't this a long time for a band not to be touring? I live in Indianapolis and they have yet to play our indoor arena, Conseco Fieldhouse. Caught the repeat of SNL a few weeks ago of their performance, but it was only an hour show. 2 years old, but it gave me my fix!

I need a Stapp fix and I don't care how old the show/video is! He is so nice to look at! Sorry guys, had to throw that in!

Anyone know anything about a Doors album? Sorry, backto the original topic!:crest:

03-28-2003, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by Peege
Is there an album out w/Stapp singing w/the band members of The Doors?  I have Riders On The Storm on a single CD but was wondering if they ever released an album?

Isn't this a long time for a band not to be touring?  

Anyone know anything about a Doors album?  Sorry, backto the original topic!:crest: There was no album released.

Creed toured for almost the entire year of 2002, so no, I don't think it's a long time for a band not to be touring. It probably just feels that way since they didn't play your indoor arena. Don't expect to see them live until the next album is released in 2004.

03-28-2003, 08:32 PM
What makes you think they won't release an album for another year? That's an awful long time?

03-28-2003, 09:15 PM
you can get the VH1 Storytellers "The Doors" DVD, Stapp sings two songs on it.

VH1 STORYTELLERS DVD (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005IB9H/qid=1048903992/sr=1-5/ref=sr_1_5/104-9850320-8197554?v=glance&s=dvd)

03-28-2003, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by Peege
What makes you think they won't release an album for another year?  That's an awful long time?

Well, at the New Year's Eve concert, after the clock had struck 12, Scott said something to effect of: "We'll see you next year," which, given that it had turned to 2003, meant 2004. They have said they are going to take a break.

I don't think waiting a year is a long time at all. In fact, it's pretty prolific to put an album out every year given that it takes most bands months to do it when you take into account writing, rehearsing, recording...and then there is touring. Many bands go two, three, and sometimes even four years in between albums. They need to recharge their batteries, live a little and come down from nearly a year of touring.

03-29-2003, 09:04 AM
Creed covered Riders On The Storm and Roadhouse Blues live at Woodstock '99. Both songs featured Robbie Krieger with add. guitar work. Stapp also sang Light My Fire with the remaining members of the Doors. I believe Mark also played guitar during that.

03-29-2003, 12:26 PM
Yeah I have to agree with Dogstar!! After the hellaciuos year Scott had last year, he definately needs to re-charge, and then I'm sure he'll come back stronger and better ever!! He (especially) and the rest of the guys really need this break!!

03-29-2003, 01:15 PM
Indeed, luvscott. Plus, Flip is going to be a daddy and Mark and Victoria just got married. I think they all need to experience life a little and just kick back some.

03-29-2003, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by DangerousDan85
<b>you can get the VH1 Storytellers "The Doors" DVD, Stapp sings two songs on it.

VH1 STORYTELLERS DVD (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005IB9H/qid=1048903992/sr=1-5/ref=sr_1_5/104-9850320-8197554?v=glance&s=dvd) </b>

I have the DVD. I really like it alot. My copy has Stapp doing 3 Doors songs: Light My fire, Roadhouse Blues & Riders On The Storm.:D

03-29-2003, 04:18 PM
I'm probably gonna get it eventually

03-29-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Peege
What makes you think they won't release an album for another year? &nbsp;That's an awful long time? Scott actually said 2 things on NYE: We'll see you for the next album, and we'll see you in 2004. These guys all deserve a long break, and as hard as it is for US to wait, they need this time off to regroup and relax and just be themselves for a bit.

Bridge of Clay
03-29-2003, 07:36 PM
There´s the Doors Tribute CD, Stoned Immaculate or something like that... Creed recorded Riders on The Storm along the remaining Doors, it was released over a year ago. There´s also BB King and some other famous artist dueting in every track of this album...

04-01-2003, 10:17 PM
I know there is a Woodstock 99 2 CD set that you can buy, I am not sure if there is a Doors Tribute album, but I want to say that I saw somewhere that there was and that Creed was on there. I am not sure.