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02-05-2003, 11:01 AM
The Phoenix symbol is very unique and inspirational to many. There are some cultures and people who believe in the representation of this symbol to stand for Christ, the suffering and the resurrection of Christ. It also represents Rebirth, Immortality, Eternal youth, a unique person, Justice, a storm, etc. It's also known to be used for the representation of a solar symbol, standing for the eastern and western sun, as well as the morning and evening sun, and for the sun of spring and autumn. Many have misunderstood this symbol. To understand its meaning, you must study the context thoroughly. Then can you truly achieve and enjoy its meaning.
visions of the mystery.
Visions of the mystery,
deep within the mind.
Giving you the answers,
the life of mankind.
Reach in your soul,
learn about yourself.
The unlimited journeys,
such a wonderful wealth.
Feel the peace,
feel the love.
Oh what a feeling,
the spirit of a dove.
The light of the day,
behold the sight of the sun.
Thinking of the time,
we all shall stand as one.
The fire and the water,
slowly rages within.
It's time for the Phoenix,
to rise once again!

Written by Phoenix

02-05-2003, 11:10 AM
maybe the crest is the phoenix heart.
Now, Let's start with this,

1.Transmissions of My Life Force
2.You are here to learn who you are, and to live who you are
3.CAREW-ARIEL(for the people who believe in)
4.We found the Powers and the Source, ON ABRAHAM'S CONTINENT!
5.With the immenence comes the new!
(Through Dreams these have come




"The Story of The Phoenix Heart"
"For those who dare to reach out and believe!"
If you shall seek,
then shall you find,
the love shining through,
the soul,
heart and mind!
The marriage of Christ to God with you!

Here is your Key, Unlock those Mysteries!
Now, Take Heed! As the Mystery unfolds, you'll begin to recognize your true self!
The Mirror of Conscience!
Now, when you look at yourself in the mirror, you'll begin to see reflections of your past, "Reflections of your True Self"! Just remember this while looking, "You have the right to Change your Life"! "Do not Condemn or Crucify yourself for the wrong choices in your past! (The Power of Forgiveness) Forgive and Thy Shall be Forgiven! I know it may be hard to forgive ones ownself, but you can do it! Realize this, and rise above! This is the truth of "The Phoenix Heart"! "This is but one step towards Enlightenment"!
The Understanding!
Now that you have walked through your mind, you are finally able to see more clearly, because you have removed the clouds which cover up the truth! You have become aware of your actions. You have discovered that you wish to change and open up your heart to feel the love and the warmth of the soul! YOU WISH TO SPREAD YOUR WINGS!
This is the Level of Understanding! (The Reflection of the mirror can do so much!) "This is but one step towards Enlightenment"!
Opening your Heart
Self realization can be a very positive and exhilarating experience for any individual, who strives for the communion with the "Living God". You will start to recognize feelings within your heart (some may call it the heart chakra)! A way to describe this feeling would be, "a very warm, strong caring sensation". You won't be able to deny it! Trust me! We all have those warm feelings of the heart, especially when you may be in love etc... But, what I am describing occurs at times when you feel like your all alone, angry, hurt inside emotionally, and at other moments...When you get that feeling of warmth in your heart at those times, you're being told that you are not alone, that someone is with you, and that you are loved!!! So pay close attention to that heart of yours, because there is someone knocking on that door! OPEN IT! You'll be pleasantly surprised!!! (LOVE CAN HEAL ALL) Hmmm!!! The spreading of the wings "This is but one step towards Enlightenment"!
Gifts are Precious
If you have reached this stage, then you know what it is I am trying to tell you and achieve! This means, your heart has been touched and now is open! You have begun to spread your wings. Once you have felt that warmth, let it overcome you! Embrace it! You'll know what I mean when it happens. The feeling is incredible! This gift has been given to you, DO NOT FORSAKE IT! Gifts are Precious! "This is but one step towards Enlightenment"!
Insight may be precieved with the use of these words: Prophecy, ESP, Third Eye, Whatever word you may use, it is a gift that has been given to you by the DIVINE! Many messages are given to people in their Dreams! Unfortunately, people don't pay attention, or they may not understand them. You should pay close attention to your dreams, become more aware! Someone is saying "Hello" to you! Review, and find the meaning! The message has been delivered to you!

Insights that have been given to me in Dreams:
1. Transmissions of my Life Force
2. You are here to learn who you are, and to live who you are!
3. CAREW-ARIEL (for the people who believe in)
4. We've found the powers and the source on ABRAHAMS Continent
5. With the Immenence, comes the new!
This is but one step towards Enlightenment"!
A Special Message to all
:) yall have a great day.Diane

02-05-2003, 04:49 PM
any fresh ideas on what creeds crest stands for.
have a great day.Diane:)

08-18-2008, 11:23 PM
we never did get a answer about the meaning of the crest symbol if there was one,was still kinda curious though.to all have a good night and prey that all us people in florida dont get slamed to bad by tropical storm faye not sure if its a hurricane yet or not am gonna listen to news now.Diane

08-24-2008, 11:03 PM
any fresh ideas on what creeds crest stands for.
have a great day.Diane:)
Breath taking post Diane :) HOLY HOLY IS HIS NAME ANGELS BAWL BEFORE HIM THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH ADORE HIS MYSTERY GLORY TO GOD THE ROCKS THE STONES CRY OUT TO HIM GLORY TO GOD just a beautiful post thanks for sharing the phoniex with us i think Diane that question has been brought up here before everybodys got their opions mines WATER AND FIRE Diane u have a wonderful week BLESSINGS AND STRENGETH