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What are the most scary moments of your life? [Archive] - CreedFeed Community


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01-22-2003, 09:47 PM
Just curious as to what are the most scary times or moments in your life?

For me it is 2!
1) Sept 11, 2001!:( I don't think I have ever been so terrified in my life! Working 30 minutes from the Pentagon and watching the Trade Center live on TV be hit was horrific! I was working that day and our hospital was on Lock down mode in preperation to receive patients from the Pentagon, needless to say we had none:( This day has changed my views and really my thinking FOREVER!!!! I weeped for days on end, and still cry when I think of all the sacrifices made on that day! But I was damn terrified, I layed in bed that night unable to sleep and everytime I heard a airplane (I live practically on an Army base) go over my house low I literally shook with fear! This day made me put many things in perspective!

2) The next most terrifying time I ever had was the recent Sniper attacks in my area! That was VERY SCARY, one of the victims was shot 1 mile from my hospital, and another practically in my back yard! It was horrible, I was afraid to pump gas, afraid to go to the store and terrified to walk to my car from the parking garage at work (surrounded by thick woods) It was an awful time, and I thank god everday it is over! WHEW!!!!!!

01-22-2003, 09:51 PM
wow that is freakin awful Jen so so sorry you had to go through that...

You know...i haven't really been through any scary stuff in my life...i am really lucky.

01-22-2003, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by addicted2stapp
wow that is freakin awful Jen so so sorry you had  to go through that...

You know...i haven't really been through any scary stuff in my life...i am really lucky.
Try and keep it that way!;)

01-22-2003, 09:58 PM
For me, there were a few.
#1. When I had to take both my girls to the Pediatric Cardiologist for heart murmurs. The doctor said Jenn was fine but had to do more tests on Amanda. I have never been so scared. I had my heart in my throat, pulse racing, head pounding the whole time she was getting the sonogram of her heart. For 40 minutes I held my breath. When he finally came back into the exam room and told me she was fine, I almost cried. My heart hit the floor and came back up.
#2. Sept. 11. 2001. My husband is in the Naval Reserves, 3 years from retirement. My brother is an ex-Marine and now a Firefighter. My heart ached for all the military personnel we lost at the Pentagon and for all the Firefighters we lost in the WTC. Most horrible day of all time.
#3. Have to agree with you, Jen. The sniper attacks were very scary. My husband was scheduled to run in the Marine Corps Marathon and the attacks all happened in the weeks leading up to the race. I did NOT want him to drive down to DC, nor did I want him to participate in the race for fear of some lunatic taking shots at the runners from some office building. And I certainly didn't want to bring my kids down with me to watch the race with the sniper still on the loose. Thank God they caught them about 4 days before the race.

01-22-2003, 10:02 PM
I atleast know how you feel Jen about the planes flying over..I used to live real close to our Int'l Airport and that night I sat out watching the planes fly over, just to make sure that they kept on going!! That was really scary!!
The only experience I can think of that really terrified me, was when my dad had quadruple (sp) by-pass surgery..it was the longest and scariest day of my life, I wouldn't wish that experience on my worst enemy!!

01-22-2003, 10:14 PM
Honestly, for months I couldn't even look at an airplane without seeing that awful picture of it going into a building. If I'd see a plane in the sky I'd have to look away.

01-22-2003, 10:25 PM
I practically live on an Army base and let me tell you, the fear of seeing 100 camoflauge Hummer's going by your house, with machine guns and men hanging out of the top, was eerie!!!! Our small town was like "Red Dawn" remember that movie? It was scary, the base entrance was barricaded and men in uniform everywhere!!!!! Yeah the plane thing really got to me when I had to fly to Alaska this past summer:eek: That was one long ass flight! But my desire to go reined over my fear!

01-22-2003, 10:47 PM
I swear, we go to McGuire AFB at least once a month. And the commissary and exchange are right next to the airfield. Honest to God, everytime we passed that airfield I felt like we had a huge target on top of our van. I just felt that all those big C-130 cargo planes out there on the tarmac were like sitting ducks for an air attack (my mind definitely played a lot of tricks on me). My husband kept telling me we were probably in the safest place we could possibly be, but I was always feeling very vulnerable next to those big planes.

01-23-2003, 02:31 AM
Originally posted by JenRN
Try and keep it that way!;)

i promise

Bridge of Clay
01-23-2003, 10:28 AM
ugh... I know... the (whatīs the opposite of intīl airpot? national? got a blank right now :( ) , whatever... the airport is a couple miles from my home... I know how you feel...

01-23-2003, 12:51 PM
Ok...this is not really the one of the Scariest moment(s) of my life....


When ever my mom and me goes to a parade here in town.If and when theres clowns (yes clowns) are in the parade.Umm...yea. Letsd just say that i`m scared of THEM.

I mean if its in a movie,or in a picture, or magizine, or on tv or something like ...it dont bother me. But if its in reality ...idunno :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: ....they just scare me...

01-23-2003, 06:02 PM
:eek: June 9th1997, in the morning, standing in the kitchen all ALONE, when the phone rang, Someone from the hospitol my boy, Ian was in, called me to tell me, my boy had killed himself... I frooze, in disbelief....Noone was in my home with me.....I screamed. I didn't think this kind of news came over the phone!:embarass: :( "How conciderate of these people to tell a mom, her son was dead, over the phone":( :embarass:

Bridge of Clay
01-23-2003, 06:05 PM
:( :( :( :( :( :( :(

01-23-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by N30°14'?.7 W84°
:( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Angel Boy Ian:angel:

01-23-2003, 06:40 PM
probably the time I almost choked on my own vomit

(sorry that was really gross, but true)

01-23-2003, 07:21 PM
I think one of the scariest times for me would be when I got in a car accident and my head went throught the window... They found my glasses laying on the ground outside the car. Just not knowing how my Mom or I was:(

Another time was when my sister was seeing this jerk off a hole that beat her up and put her in jail for something he did himself. Threatening to kill her... and she stayed with him for another year after all that:confused:

Then my brother went to Africa last summer and our Mom had a horrible dream that he died there... that was scary:(

Bridge of Clay
01-23-2003, 07:25 PM
eww.... ok, this thread is scaring me now! :crying:

01-23-2003, 07:51 PM
I just remembered another scary time that I had:( I was sleeping one night when I still lived at home... and I don't know if I was sleeping or not but I saw these dark black hands coming towards me in the night and I started freaking out and when my Mom woke me up I was on the floor kicking my dresser. Trying to get away. :( :confused: Ever since then I am afraid of the dark:eek:

01-23-2003, 08:37 PM
I was living in an apt. by myself about 12 years ago, and while asleep in my room, I heard what I thought was my cat at my bedroom window. I saw something that was on the window sill fall and still thought the cat was just moving around there. Until I saw the foot climbing through the window. I saw the window go up, then I saw the foot and the leg climbing in and when I saw the head I was finally able to break free of the shock and scream bloody murder. Whoever it was took off, but that was the last night I ever spent in that apartment. I had forgotten all about it until I read Julie's last post.

Bridge of Clay
01-23-2003, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by N30°14'?.7 W84°
eww.... ok, this thread is scaring me now! :crying:

yep it is...

too many bad things... donīt like this negativity!

01-23-2003, 08:43 PM
When i was almots struck by lightning
holy shit that was LOUD

01-23-2003, 08:44 PM
Dang Teri!:( I woulda screamed to. I know when I saw those hands coming at me in the night I almost crapped my pants:crying: :eek:

01-23-2003, 08:50 PM
Julie I used to get night terrors all the time. For anyone who has experienced these, you know how awful they are. I used to see people in my room coming at me, I used to see large bugs crawling up my wall, and my poor husband had to take the brunt of it, because when he'd come in from work in the middle of the night I'd scream in surprise because he was so quiet in the room. I'd wake up to see him in the room and scream before I realized who it was. I haven't had them for awhile, but they are terrible.

01-23-2003, 08:57 PM
Oh man:( That would be aweful Teri:(

01-23-2003, 09:01 PM
OMFG! X you almost got hit by lightning:confused: :eek: :( Now that would suck:crying:

01-23-2003, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by GoodGodGirl23
<b>:eek: June 9th1997, in the morning, standing in the kitchen all ALONE, when the phone rang, Someone from the hospitol my boy, Ian was in, called me to tell me, my boy had killed himself... I frooze, in disbelief....Noone was in my home with me.....I screamed. I didn't think this kind of news came over the phone!:embarass: :( &nbsp;"How conciderate of these people to tell a mom, her son was dead, over the phone":( :embarass: </b>

OMG!!!!!!! Are you kidding me, that is the most horrible thing to do to someone! I am so sorry that happened to you! NO they are NOT supposed to do that, I have seen people fired for that before! Oh dear I am really sorry, I am lost for words! That is so sad:(

01-23-2003, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by TeriB19
I was living in an apt. by myself about 12 years ago, and while asleep in my room, I heard what I thought was my cat at my bedroom window. I saw something that was on the window sill fall and still thought the cat was just moving around there. Until I saw the foot climbing through the window. I saw the window go up, then I saw the foot and the leg climbing in and when I saw the head I was finally able to break free of the shock and scream bloody murder. Whoever it was took off, but that was the last night I ever spent in that apartment. I had forgotten all about it until I read Julie's last post.
My god Teri that is horrible!!!! I don't blame you for not staying there!:eek:

01-23-2003, 09:11 PM
The funny part of it was I was working the grave shift back then, and so I went into work. The next morning when I came back to the apt. my mom was there packing up all my stuff to move back home. She was laying down the law that day.

01-24-2003, 12:27 AM
First scariest thing was when I was 14 and kidnapped! I was with a friend and her boyfriend, we got a flat tire and a bent rim and we had no spare, some nice looking older man ( he was 32) stopped and asked if we needed a ride to a gas station, he took my friends boyfriend to the gas station and we stayed at the car, a while later just the man came back and said it was getting dark and didn't want us to be there by ourselves and said he would take us to where my friends boyfriend was ( the gas station ) So we got into the VAN all three of us in the front, me right next to him, went down the street and instead of going to the gasstation he hopped onto the on ramp to the freeway and instantly took "something" out of his shorts. I starting elbowing my friend and she said hey where are you taking us, he said oh Ronnie is up the freeway a bit, the gas station back there is closed. So as he is having his way with himself, I am praying to God and freaking out, my freind asked him as we passed the next off ramp, is that where Ronnie is?? He said, No we passed him along time ago, My freind said, then where are we going? he said, we are going to keep going until you give me ****. My friend being the smartass she was said, well we have to run outta gas sometime!!! He said, I have enough gas to get to where I'm going. So there we are going along on the freeway and now he is trying to touch me and i'm totally fighting him off punching, hitting , kicking, all the time the van is going all over the freeway ( where are the cops when you need them???) He gets ahold of my hand and is trying to put it on him, if you know what I mean, I am fighting my hardest but he was stronger , I screamed to my friend to help me and she grabbed the keys out of the ignition ( this was an older van ) and threw them out of the window!! You should of seen the look in his eyes, Very scarey, he back hand punched her over me in the face and grabbed her leg so hard he broke blood vessels, the van slowed down slow enough to where I opened the door over my friend and pushed her out , then I went and he tried to grab me and missed, we ran our hearts out all the way down the side of the freeway through bushes to a gasstation and locked ourselves in the restroom and held eachother and cried!!!! We finally got the nerve to leave the restroom and asked them to call the police.
The police found out where he lived by his van he left on the freeway and went and picked him up at his house, his wife answered the door!! I'm 36 now, back then I was 14 and the laws were not like they are now. They gave him a deal, if he plead guilty it would only be a misdomenor ( spelling?) He pleaded guilty and got weekends in jail for a year, had to go to AA and a shrink. He got off because we got away from him, how awful is that????? I have no idea what would of become of us if we didn't get away and I don't want to think about that, I thank God my friend saw Adam 12 (an old police TV show) and saw some girl grab the keys out of the ignition and throw them out the window!!! Even the police officers were proud of her!!! I think she saved our lives. whew, what a long story!!

01-24-2003, 10:27 AM
Holy Crap Marsly:eek: :eek: :eek: That is horrible!!!!!!! My god you definatley had a guardian angel with you guys that day!:angel: That had to be so frightening!!! I am so glad it ended good! There are some crazy ass people in this world and he will get his someday believe me!! I am a FIRM believer in "what comes around goes around!"

01-24-2003, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by JenRN
<b>Holy Crap Marsly:eek: :eek: :eek: &nbsp;That is horrible!!!!!!! &nbsp;My god you definatley had a guardian angel with you guys that day!:angel: &nbsp;That had to be so frightening!!! &nbsp;I am so glad it ended good! &nbsp;There are some crazy ass people in this world and he will get his someday believe me!! I am a FIRM believer in "what comes around goes around!" </b>

I sure hope so Jen!! I have often wondered what became of him, I just pray he hasn't hurt any other kids!!! I hope he rots in hell!

01-24-2003, 05:12 PM
The most scariest moment for me was when Tyler had apnea, he was born 2 months early and has had every respritory disease out there, RSV, Asthma, Phnemonia. He stopped breathing while we were in the car driving home, he was 2 months old and if it had not been my little girl noticing the color change in his face I would never have known. He had a rear facing car seat and I had not had a spy mirror until then. He was hospitalized for a week and it was very terrifying because throughout his week long stay at the hospital he stopped breathing several more times. Now he is 2 1/2 and doing really well. Jen, those 2 major events affected so many and I could not imagine how it would've affected me had I been as close as you were. You are a brave person and I can only imagine how terrified you were. I hope that things will only get better for you and that the horrifying dreams will stop soon. I just couldn't imagine.

01-24-2003, 07:12 PM
The sniper thing REALLY freaked me out!!! I was like a freak, I would not pump gas at my normal places( the guy was shot there) and I would lye down in my car so that no one would see me while the gas was pumping. I felt like a freak but hey, it was a little too close for comfort to me! I love to be outdoors in the fall and I would not go out to walk, or out to do yard work because one victim was shot 15 minutes from my house:eek: :eek: Thank god it is over and that little bastard is gonna FRY!!!!!!!! I am so glad he is being charged as an adult!
As far as 9/11 goes, I hardly had it bad compared to a lot others! That day literally changed my life forever!!!!!!!

01-24-2003, 08:02 PM
I can only imagine what some people felt being as close as they were. It changed my life forever as well and I can only imagine how it affected the people close by. As for the Sinper attacks I am glad that little bastard is gonna fry, too. I saw them both on TV a few days ago and they looked pretty rough, I hope they got the shit beat out of them in jail as many times as humanly possible.