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C'mon Mark, release your solo record already! [Archive] - CreedFeed Community


View Full Version : C'mon Mark, release your solo record already!

04-10-2012, 07:47 PM
How long is he gonna tease this thing?? Seeing how they never like one project to take attention from another, I'm starting to think we might not get to hear "All I Was" until after the Creed tour, or at the earliest, when that tour breaks for a month in the summer.

BTW should we have a new section for Mark's solo gig? Is this forum still active enough?

04-10-2012, 08:35 PM
Mark is currently recording the entire record live in Chicago right now. Give him some time to get it all together.


04-10-2012, 10:04 PM
I know, I know...saw that video today. I'm glad he's doing so much promotion on his own, but it's just another tease, just like we've been getting for a few months already. I'm sure it'll be worth the wait, I'm just anxious that it might be a longer wait than anyone's leading on.

I will say all the bonus material they're doing is going to make things very fun.

My Sacrifice
04-13-2012, 09:34 PM
Yeah, I'm looking forward to this new music. I wonder if Mark will ever do a solo tour?

04-14-2012, 10:32 PM
I have a feeling they'll end up touring at some point, considering all the promotion they're doing.

Just read this over at ABN. Cool account from the listening party they just had. Unfortunately the potential release date that's mentioned isn't til the summer, as I feared :-(


05-08-2012, 01:20 AM
He released his first single. It's out on itunes.

08-04-2012, 06:27 AM
I went and bought it in HMV in Norwich England UK, was only cheap, think like £8 or something.

Pretty decent am impressed with the vocals. But Creed and Alter Bridge is much more my sorta thing.